I’ve missed this. It was a nice distraction for me to be able to share my ideas and thoughts out on the aether. It did not matter much who read them, but I always tried to say something interesting. So … Read the rest
Category Archives: This Blog
News about the blog itself.
1and1.co.uk Support
I recently upgraded my WordPress platform (like 12h ago) and it required a slight higher version of MySQL than the previous database was created in. The web administration console let me create a new MySQL 5 db easily enough but … Read the rest
The About page has been empty for quite some time, not any more. It simply was a case of finding the proper things to say, instead of just typing out born then, did that etc.… Read the rest
Something to write about…
SO long has passed… what was I doing you might ask. Several things actually.
No1: I was (and still am) in several betas. I’m actually racking up a pretty good beta resume. Ionas might be getting a little jealous but … Read the rest
Scheme updated to Release Candidate
I just couldn’t help myself using this Microsoft Windows OS pun…
The scheme as seen here is what I hope will stay on (with the exception of the banner, which will be upgraded from time to time as I am … Read the rest
New scheme
I was always looking for a nice scheme to fit this blog. I think this works well enough, and I even used my amazing (ahem!) skills of awesomeness (*cough* noob *cough*) to make my own banner. I know it is … Read the rest
Spam? Where?
Well not here… When I decided to let the comments be free, I knew that I would be inviting a lot of spam, but I was hopping that it would not be a problem… silly me…
So far I have … Read the rest
Yes, I’m back…
…although I really can’t tell you when I’ll go AWOL again. It’s just that some times a person should take a break from what he has been doing and do something else. After all, I’m one of those people that … Read the rest
Spam wars
While I have been away from blogging due to a heavy load of real life obligations, I am not gone. During the course of the past few weeks there have been a number of spam comments appearing on this blog … Read the rest
I blog, you blog… they blog?
Just what is the idea of blogging all about? As I mentioned before, blogging is what the perfect personal web page is all about. Updated from anywhere, quick, informative, hassle free, customizable and, under conditions, free!
But most people in … Read the rest