I wish real world economy had aspects of WoW’s economy

Many people have decided that WoW economy is worth investigating. So far so good, in itself this statement is fine, people will keep busy with whatever they like. However please don’t confuse WoW economy with real life economy. That just doesn’t make sense.

WoW economy doesn’t have taxes, expenditures for workers, lobbies, rents for office spaces, supply lines to consider and plan for, lawyers or courts etc. In WoW a person can make money simply by going out and killing things or picking flowers or mining rocks that pop out of the ground. Closest real life equivalents would be the livestock farmers, agricultural farmers and “gold-rush” miners. Each of those has expenditures from day zero, in that he needs food to live (basest of expenditure) to many others.

A WoW player needs nothing to survive and he has to spend nothing (outside of a periodic repair bill to his equipment) to play the game. This basic difference is so important that it already breaks the comparison.

However, there is a lesson to be learned. No WoW player has had his equipment removed because he failed to pay his loan. No WoW player was ever in debt. No WoW player bought anything without paying full value right then and there. If only the real economy would be like that…

2 thoughts on “I wish real world economy had aspects of WoW’s economy”

  1. u forgot to mention the Auction House. Almost all player made/harvested items in wow are auctioned, not sold in “super markets”… that makes a huge difference, particularly since in wow there is no “concept of quality” (= all same items are of same quality) and a buyer can alwayz simply go for the lowest price available in the auction house.

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