
On Friday the 15th I attended my graduation ceremony of the Kingston University Class of ’09. Everything was planned to perfection, I must admit. It was a rare thing to see everything work so flawlessly and the proceeding to advance in such a fluid manner. Understand that I am not saying that Kingston university is usually unorganized, on the contrary, I’m saying that it simply felt perfect.

I’d like to thank the University for being an excellent educational institute. On the whole, the staff and faculty have always been helpful and present which was a very rewarding experience and in vast contrast to the Greek university.

I got all the merchandise that was on offer, simply because I could. I realize it is an expression of consumerism, but they are also memorabilia, like my T-shirt and sweater with all the names of the graduates, engraved frames with the logo of the University, mugs and engraved champagne glasses.

Also, in the free graduate grab bag there were two pins that were of a surprising wit. Don’t get me wrong, English humor is very nice and good, but it is of a certain flavor that does not match that of the pins.

They read: “Pro-gram-mer: an organism that turns caffeine to code”, and “ no place like it”

They are both excellent and gave me a laugh.

Here are some pictures of the day.

Just before the ceremony, outsode the Rose Theatre Enjoying a burger, wearing my robes
Bachelor in hand, with my sister Solo appearance
With my father With my mother

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