Some rules…

So some things have been decided and here are some rules on how this blog will operate (at least at first):

1) Users can post comments as long as they leave a name and email address; this is not for security (as it is not secure, duh!) but for those that do want to have an identifible presence in the blog. People can still comment with fake names and/or emails if they preffer and I will not mess with that.
2) While I give this freedom, I will be very careful about content. Normal ethics apply, so if you curse, abuse or do anything that is offensive to a normal human being I will take action (from editting to deleting the comment).
3) Registration is made available to those that opt for it. I may decide in the future to change policies and registered members will always be protected. Registration also leads to autoring permissions, although at this point I havent decided if I want that.
4) A simple spam word filter is in place and I will be maintaining it from all possible sources. Spam will not be tolerated on any level.
5) As of yet there are not “nuke words”, ie. words that if encountered in any comment will lead to immediate deletion of the comment. This is a very strong (and, imho, blind) tool and I dont want to use it so mind what you are saying. Ideas can be expressed in a normal language without resulting in hate or curse words.

That will be all for user previlages and comments. If everyone behaves, then I intend to keep those rules forever as they are.

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